Quilts & Votes.

posted in: Day In The Life 13
Pictorial Quilt with American Flag, unknown maker, Ohio, cottons, c. 1930. 64" x 75". Collection of Bill Volckening, Portland, Oregon. Image: Wikipedia. (Hi, Bill!)
Pictorial quilt with American flag. (64” x 75”) by unknown maker. Ohio, c. 1930. Collection of Bill Volckening — hi, Bill! Image: Wikipedia.


PaperGirl readers are, without exception, dignified and conscientious citizens. (You’re also light on your feet, good-humored, photogenic, possessing of a sleek pelt, and excellent in an emergency.) So it doesn’t need to be said, but just in case:

Will you please take a moment and figure out where and when you’ll vote on Tuesday? If you’ve voted already, great! If not, let’s do it together (in spirit) on Tuesday! I ask you as a friend and fellow American to really make sure you get to the booth on Tuesday. I plan to go first thing in the morning and get that great “I Voted!” sticker they give out. How cool are those??

One thought:

I have made and awarded several Quilts of Valor. Quilts of Valor are quilts awarded to U.S. servicemen and servicewomen who have been touched by war. Giving a quilt to a veteran is powerful. The gift of your time, the gift of the quilt says, “I care about you. Thank you.”

That’s what voting is, too.

When you vote, you’re saying thank you to all veterans across our country’s history as well as to the current members of the U.S. armed forces. They need us like we need them.

Vote on Tuesday. You matter.