The Sunday Evening Post : You Look Good

posted in: Day In The Life 193
A fête to end all fêtes? You bet. Photo: Wikipedia.


Say you’ve been living in the same city for over a decade and then decide to move away.

Before you leave, you’ll probably enjoy some intentional farewell-ing. If you’re an extrovert with a robust social life, you might get a going-away party. The party might be a big deal or a small deal, but either way a send-off would be a gathering of people who will miss you when you’re gone. At the very least, someone will want to grab lunch with you before you dip and they might pick up the check. For luck, you know?

Now, a couple years later, let’s say you move back.

You don’t slink back. You don’t return in shame under cover of darkness, but your return could not be considered triumphant. I mean, it’s not like you slayed a dragon or rescued a village of maidens — or even one maiden. And while (most of) the people you used to know are happy to see you back, it would be unwise to expect a fête with kazoos and signage. Seriously, don’t wait for that. People are living their lives. Your comings and goings are not as significant to them as they are for you, and that’s okay. The truth is, it’s “out of sight, out of mind” for most of us, squirt.

What I’m getting at is that it would be a mistake for me to burst into the room, as it were, and proclaim my return to PaperGirl, waving my best Queen of England wave, batting my eyelashes while wondering how many virtual roses may soon come sailing to my feet. I know many of you have missed me — and thanks for making me cry, dweebs — you’re busy. You’ve been living your life. You’ve got concerns that do not concern a blog or absence thereof.  And believe me, I know that some of you may have missed me for awhile but missing turned to annoyance because let’s face it: I ghosted. For a minute. And we have a … thing.

I’m sorry.

If you’ll have me, you can have me. I’m home.

And if there are any of you out there who might make a fuss; I appreciate it. A lot. But I don’t really have a choice. When I drifted away and put my head in the sand, I had no idea how drying all that sand was. I’m going through a lot of moisturizer — and I like the fancy stuff. It’s not sustainable. Besides, stuck in all this sand, I can’t hear or see anything, which means I can’t see you.

My idea is to write The Sunday Evening Post* every week. We have to set reachable goals. We have to ease into things. If I get too excited, I’ll spill my bowl of soup and then feel defeated and stick my head back in the sand.

I cannot express how good it feels right now to mix metaphors for you.

*We reserve the right to bend time and space.

193 Responses

  1. Pam
    | Reply

    Glad to see you back even sporadically. I check faithfully for new posts and was delighted to be rewarded today

    • Nancy Pederson
      | Reply

      It’s good to have you back. Once a week is fine. Missed your posts a lot!

    • Karen
      | Reply

      I just wondered yesterday where Mary was…and here she is…

      • Michael J
        | Reply

        Me too!!

    • Wilma Bland
      | Reply

      Slather on that wonderful moisturizer, snuggle comfy in that spa robe and the fluffy slippers, sit back with that glass of wine and listen to the music in the background. Relax, Mary, you are home and the neighbors can wait until you’re ready for the party before they surface with the turn the music up or down havoc of everyday. We eavesdrop on your life when we need to get away from our everyday hum drum. So here’s to a spa day for you and we will pop in to share a glass from time to time. Happy 2019!

  2. Annette Hannah
    | Reply

    Two words: AT LAST.

    Maybe two more: WELCOME HOME!


  3. Judy Hart
    | Reply

    Yippee skippee, I’ve missed you.

  4. Gail
    | Reply

    Will accept you back any time, no questions asked!

  5. Penny Evans
    | Reply

    So glad you are back. I really really missed Paper Girl and Pendenis. The photos on Instagram just were not doing it for me. So a hearty WELCOME BACK!!

  6. Dayna
    | Reply

    Yeah! Missed you! Glad to have you back.

  7. Patty
    | Reply

    New year, more you! Great to hear from you again. You have been missed here.❤️

  8. Becky Gonzalez
    | Reply

    Welcome home! Always enjoy your posts.

  9. Sandra Weimer
    | Reply

    It’s so nice to see you here! Missed you.

  10. Mary Lou Maloni
    | Reply

    I am grateful you are back.

  11. Laurie
    | Reply

    Glad you’re back. I missed your writings. Hope your stomach and etc. is behaving.

  12. Amy D Fannin
    | Reply

    Seriously, just YESTERDAY, my mom said, “Where has Mary Fons been?!” Trust me–I’m throwing roses for your return. Look–we all have lives. Things happen. Such is life. But you were missed by young and old and we are grateful you are back.

  13. Penny Evans
    | Reply

    So glad you are back. Really missed Paper Girl and Pendenis. Photos on Instagram just not the same.

  14. Susannah
    | Reply

    So, so glad you’re back. Instagram just wasn’t doing it for me. I’m a words person and I missed the way you put yours together, mixed metaphors and all.

  15. Lynne Peterson
    | Reply

    So glad to see you back!! I am seeing posts listed below that I had not seen until now. So I need to catch up!! Must need to subscribe ?
    Take care and keep writing!

  16. Glenda Hoagand
    | Reply

    Welcome Back…. It was just last week that I realized I had not heard from you in quite a while. I became concerned and check instagram to make sure you were ok. Now today….this missive. I am so happy. Pace yourself, I will be here waiting.

  17. Terri Forehand
    | Reply

    Glad to see you. We all fade in and out at times as life gets in the way. It’s a new day and a New Year.

  18. Jody Randall
    | Reply

    YAY! You’re back! Have so missed Papergirl! I even looked at the blog the other day hoping to see a new post. All good things come to those who are patient. 🙂

  19. Laura
    | Reply

    It’s you! Yay!

  20. Tammy
    | Reply

    Welcome back!

  21. Jana Snow
    | Reply

    I missed you. Welcome back

  22. Tami Minor
    | Reply

    Welcome back, Mary!

  23. Debra White
    | Reply

    roses to our dear friend Ms. Fons. She’s baaaack!

  24. Sandra
    | Reply

    Glad you’re back! I have noticed your absence.

  25. Jeanne
    | Reply

    Welcome back! Was thinking about you today – happy coincidence

  26. Marcia Hicks
    | Reply


    • Jennifer
      | Reply


  27. Kim
    | Reply

    Hooray, I have missed your voice in my world! I am always thrilled by the mixing of metaphors and adore the bending of time and space! Welcome back Mary.

  28. Kim Frymoyer
    | Reply

    I was curious about you and would try to figure out where you were from time to time. Hope health is in check and all is well Miss Mary!!

  29. Marie-Claude Lajoie
    | Reply

    You were missed! Glad to hear from you!

    Happy New Year!

    Marie-Claude Lajoie

  30. Chelsea
    | Reply

    Welcome back! You’ve been greatly missed! See you next Sunday! No pressure! Okay. Some pressure. Enough to induce some guilt should you not show up, even for a minute just to say “Sorry, I have to dash but here’s a cuppa on me!”

  31. Nancy Kursewicz
    | Reply

    Glad you’re back! I have missed Paper Girl! I was looking for you just yesterday so I’m glad.

  32. Linda Gleason
    | Reply

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dances around the room flailing arms wildly)

  33. Nancy
    | Reply

    What I treasure most about my very best girlfriends is that we allow each other to live our lives even if it means “going dark” for days or weeks on end. But then one day we connect. We call. We text. We say, Hey, let’s have tea tomorrow. Never do we say, why haven’t you called, where have you been, are you mad at me? We hug, we share our stories, we smile big smiles at each other. So, hey Mary Fons, it’s great to hear to from you! What’s been going on? Tell me all your stories. I’m all ears.

  34. Melissa
    | Reply

    So happy you’re doing well and back! We’ve missed you. ❤️

  35. Janice
    | Reply

    I woke up this morning wondering why I hadn’t read your blog for so long. Glad to see you are writing again.

  36. Ann
    | Reply

    Welcome back!

  37. Connie
    | Reply

    Offering you roses, a celebration beverage, and virtual hugs; welcome back! You were most certainly missed.

  38. Therese
    | Reply

    Welcome! You were missed.

  39. Kathi
    | Reply

    Welcome back!

  40. Mary Ann
    | Reply

    Happy to see you back, I missed you! But life does get in the way so I hope we’ll see you more often here but will understand although not holding my breath.

  41. Kelly Ashton
    | Reply

    The “Sunday Evening Post” is a mist welcome arrival to the inbox! Missed you, Dear Girl! Welcome back!! ❤️

  42. Susan
    | Reply

    So so glad to hear your voice…um…see your words again! Everyone needs a break every now and then. You’ve had yours now so get cracking on some good stories for us!

    Seriously, I’m happy you’ve come back.

  43. Mary Lu
    | Reply

    Yes, I missed you! Welcome back. IN the interim I read your thoughts in Quiltfolk!

  44. Ann Ragsdale
    | Reply

    There is nothing to be sorry about. I will so enjoy reading Papergirl again but meanwhile have been thoroughly enjoying your articles in Quiltfolk and the impact that you have made on that magazine since becoming editor. Welcome back.

  45. Angie Stuart
    | Reply

    So happy to have you back. You have been missed

  46. Nancy
    | Reply

    So glad to hear from you!! I also really love my Quiltfolk!!! That to me is you!!! The best of the best! Thanks

  47. Kathlene L
    | Reply

    So so SO good you are back!

  48. Andy O
    | Reply

    Welcome back. Have been looking for you!

  49. Judy Holmgren
    | Reply

    I missed you. I just hoped you weren’t ill or having something health wise going on.

  50. Caroline Nelson
    | Reply

    I have missed you terribly! And worried about you as well! Probably worried more than missed you. Is that possible? Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you for returning. Your Sunday evening musings will be a wonderful thing to look forward to. Yay!!

  51. Cathy
    | Reply

    Yeah! Welcome back

  52. Ruth Q
    | Reply

    I missed you and I’m glad you’re back.

  53. Tanmy
    | Reply

    Throwing confetti, popping the cork on the GOOD champagne, and doing a happy dance!

  54. Diane Rincon
    | Reply

    Welcome back!

  55. Susan Lyle
    | Reply

    Welcome back!

  56. Lisa
    | Reply

    I’m so happy to have you back! I have missed you!!

  57. Linda O
    | Reply

    Every day I checked. Today was the day! Yay. So glad to have your great writing back.

  58. TeriDegonia
    | Reply

    Glad your back. Was wondering how things were going. Hope all your projects are going well/went well. Looking forward to seeing you at quiltcon

  59. Jan Darwin
    | Reply

    You were very missed, Mary! Welcome home!

  60. Susan Macy
    | Reply

    Glad you are back, Mary! I have missed your interesting and clever writing!!

  61. Candyce
    | Reply

    About damn time.

  62. Tama
    | Reply

    Arms are open wide. Here is an air hug, with all due respect to personal space.

  63. Cheryl Emanuel
    | Reply

    So happy you are back!! I have missed you!!

  64. Valerie
    | Reply

    So good to know you’re back at least for Sunday nights! You’ve been missed. I know your life has been busy and hectic; your thoughts and writing from the wilds of Chicago or wherever you’re traveling, are an oasis among my busy.

  65. Pauline
    | Reply

    So very happy you are back Mary! I thought perhaps I said something to upset you. Whatever is going on for you, I hope it is filled with joy and happiness!

  66. Cindy
    | Reply

    Welcome back! I have missed you! Sending big hugs!!!

  67. Jeanann
    | Reply

    Welcome home! You have always felt like part of the family. Looking forward to hearing about your exploits.

  68. Susan K
    | Reply

    Thank goodness! Know you were missed!

  69. Annie Wall
    | Reply

    Yahoo, Girl! You have been SO missed! Welcome home
    Hoping all is well for you. Hugs!

  70. Diana
    | Reply

    Yes you were missed!

  71. Eileen
    | Reply

    I’m so happy your back, Mary!!

  72. Cathy
    | Reply

    I always love reading your posts! Yes, you were missed! I know it was because you are soooo busy!! We love you no matter!! Welcome back!!!:)

  73. Annie
    | Reply

    In the words of Flylady (Marla Cilley): you are not behind, jump in where you are! I actually googled you a few times to make sure you were okay! Glad you’re back.

  74. Velma
    | Reply

    So glad to hear from you again! You have been missed!

  75. Kristina Morrow
    | Reply

    Welcome back! ❤

  76. Gayle
    | Reply

    I really have missed you!

  77. Kathi Bryan
    | Reply

    This Winterset gal missed you. Glad you’re back!

  78. Janet
    | Reply

    Hallelujah! {Dancing}

    Miss Mary YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED. Is that subtle enough? 🙂

    Girl, you have no idea how much I needed to see this today. So glad you are back and I can’t wait to hear what you are thinking/doing/being/whatevering. Bring it on!

  79. Nancy Batchelder
    | Reply

    This makes me so happy!

  80. Jackie Orton
    | Reply

    Was wondering where you’ve been!! Thought maybe my computer had unsubscribed me! Hope all is well. Welcome home!

  81. Kathy
    | Reply

    So glad you’re back! Truly enjoy what you share with us all. Happy New Year, Mary!!!

  82. Nancy McFall
    | Reply

    So glad to see you’re back, even in abbreviated form. Welcome!

  83. Britiney
    | Reply


  84. Connie
    | Reply

    I very much enjoy your writing and I have missed you…was not sure if it was a FB thing or a me thing…glad to know we are in this together!

  85. Pam
    | Reply

    Your metaphorical return home coincides with my actual return “home” after 22 years, and your description is perfect! I’m so happy for your cyber return and will look forward to spending Sunday evenings with you and Madam Secretary!

  86. Carol Woodworth
    | Reply

    So glad you are back!

  87. Karen Johnson
    | Reply

    Mar!!!! I missed you!!!!!

  88. Sharon
    | Reply

    Great to have you back! Yes you were missed. But we all understand about life happening. So post anytime it works best and feels right for you. We’ll be here.

  89. Gerry Fix
    | Reply

    Welcome back!

  90. Judy D
    | Reply

    Oh hurray! Welcome back, we’ve missed you. Instagram is/was a poor substitute.

  91. Mandy Laseter
    | Reply

    I can’t tell you how nice it is to read you again. Welcome back.

  92. MartyCae
    | Reply

    Christmas all over again!

  93. Rebecca
    | Reply

    saw “Mary Fons” in my inbox, gasped, and opened immediately. glad to see you again, unconditionally.

  94. Pamela
    | Reply

    (Tossing roses…) So glad to hear from you again! Honestly did not realize how much you were missed until I found your words in my email… Looking forward to hearing from PaperGirl. I appreciate your point of view and humor.

  95. Brenda King
    | Reply

    Hi Mary! Welcome back! I missed you, and your entertaining, funny and informative blog! How is the magazine you’d signed on to doing now? (Hope very well, even though out of my price range!) I hope your life has been exciting and fulfilling, and that your health has been good. So glad you’re back. I’ll be lookin’ for more of your magic! : )
    Brenda King, Bend, Oregon

  96. Pat
    | Reply

    Looking forward to reading your wise and witty words.

  97. ron
    | Reply

    Thank goodness You’re back…….love You’re metaphors !!

  98. Cheryl
    | Reply

    Ditto to all the previous comments! I’m not a writer but love reading your writing!

  99. Carol
    | Reply

    I missed you and look forward to reading your posts again!

  100. Marianne ten Kate
    | Reply

    Ah, you’re back! That’s gotta be good for both our souls.

  101. Marianne Fons
    | Reply

    Mary, this is your mom! I love it—the Sunday Evening Paper Girl Post!

  102. Lesley G
    | Reply

    I missed your posts that made me smile and working out your metaphors – good to see you’re back, and your front! :p

  103. Amy C
    | Reply

    Hooray! I’m glad you’re back. I love reading about your hijinks and shenanigans.

  104. Kris G.
    | Reply

    Woooooooo-hoooooooo!!! Trumpets and hugs and champagne (or your favorite drink) await!

  105. Terri
    | Reply

    Missed you, Mary…glad you are back! Always look forward to reading your observations, perceptions and mixed metaphors…whatever and whenever you write is great! Thank you…

  106. Patty Johnson
    | Reply

    Woo Hoo Mary!! I’ve missed hearing from you! So glad you’re back!! Hugs to you!

  107. Nan Wilson
    | Reply

    So glad you’re back! I’ve been reading your posts for years and have truly missed your whispers in my ear every day.

  108. Nancy
    | Reply

    I’ve checked everyday and no Mary Fons, and then this morning there you were. Yeah. So glad you back!

  109. Nancy Binder
    | Reply

    Happy Dance!!! So glad you’re back! Take care..

  110. elizabeth a hinze
    | Reply

    Well…I have missed you..
    but I’ve been following on Instagram
    which isn’t the same because I want the story behind the picture.
    I want to know how your sisters are. How you picked
    out the wallpaper. Why are you making a sad quilt.
    (jeez I sound like a stalker, sorry)
    Anyway you are a storyteller and you’re
    good at it.
    Thank you for sharing today : )

  111. Rita S
    | Reply

    Don’t apologize for being busy, just not feeling up to it, or just giving yourself a time out. We all need it. You’ve had a lot on your plate and sometimes something has to be left to rest, only to come back to it later. Kinda like our UFO’s. You know what I mean. Hang in there Mary with the rest of us.

  112. Kathy Douglass
    | Reply

    Freaky. I just googled you last week to see if there was any news. Glad to hear from you!

  113. Barbara
    | Reply

    I thought it was me, something I said.
    So happy you’re back, I’ll take once a week, but you’re back. Hope you’re well, Merry Christmas,
    Happy New Year, happy you’re back!
    In the meantime, I’ve subscribed to Quiltfolk, also got a few back issues . . .
    good to have you back. xo

  114. Nadine
    | Reply

    No worries! Life is life!❤️❤️❤️

  115. Rachel Riley
    | Reply

    Phew… I thought it was me…..
    You “disappeared” right after visiting my guild.
    Welcome back!

  116. Jackie Ries
    | Reply

    I have been traveling this fall and have deleted many emails and many more went to spam. I was afraid that I’d lost you! Glad to have you back. We could have taken you to lunch and picked up the check, just to get you to post.

  117. Lila
    | Reply

    So glad you are back, I have missed you.

  118. Jean c
    | Reply

    Glad you are back, I always look forward to your writing, it is like having coffee with a friend

  119. Beth
    | Reply

    Welcome back, Mary! We have missed you. Saw a show on your Mom recently and they showed you two together and I felt sad, not being able to watch your interactions. I also missed your blogs and hearing you invite us into your life.

  120. Grammy Judy
    | Reply

    Welcome Home, you were really missed..

  121. Carole
    | Reply

    Yay! It’s great to hear from you! WELCOME BACK!

  122. Kelly Geresy
    | Reply

    I actually was just thinking about you! I’m so excited to read this! Glad you’re back

  123. JuliaP
    | Reply

    Good golly Miss Mary, it sure is great that you are back to blogging!!! Throughly enjoyed your post and looking forward to reading more of your mixed metaphor adventures! Oh, Happy New Year!!! May it be your best year.

  124. Barb Allen
    | Reply

    PAH-TAY!! So happy to see / read / hear your voice again. Okay, it’s in my head, but you know what I mean. Missed you! Take your time – do it your way – and welcome back!

  125. Lisa S.
    | Reply

    You were missed. Welcome back.

  126. Marissa
    | Reply

    Welcome back Mary! We’ve missed you!

  127. Linda
    | Reply

    Glad to see you back. You bring a smile to my face. A great way to start my day. Thank you

  128. Susan B
    | Reply

    So glad to hear from you again. Happy Birthday to ME!

  129. Marj & Jim
    | Reply

    Hey Mar – we love you. Period.
    Just think of us as your family that’s got dinner waiting to be heated up after you finally get in from the airport.

    At the rate the comments are being posted, every one of us may be checking in with you. ❣️
    Can’t WAIT for Jim to open your link and see that you posted today! It’s gonna make his day. What fun.

  130. Sue
    | Reply

    So happy to have you back! 🙂 Write when you can, I have always enjoyed what you post.

  131. Barbara
    | Reply

    I’m so glad to have you back whenever, wherever, works for you. This is great news for 2019.

  132. Lisa Tice
    | Reply

    Yay! Glad to have you back! I missed you!

  133. Liz Argotsinger
    | Reply

    I am enjoying Quiltfolk. Hope you are still there also. If & when you do NY, I’m in Upstate. It’s worth the trip!

  134. Carmela Cataudella-Sanzone
    | Reply

    Using your words with some slight changes:
    “Your comings and goings ‘are’ significant to ‘many and if you need to go away and then come back’ that’s okay.”

    I probably used the quotes in error, but you get the gist. I’m glad you’re back and you must know, some of us do get joy out of your posts. So whether you post one time a week or many times a month, just know we care and we miss you!! Thank you for bringing me joy!!

  135. Jac
    | Reply

    I included a short and sweet love note via my Quiltfolk holiday order, hope it was forwarded to you. See you at QuiltCon!

  136. sue
    | Reply

    A Sunday Post will be delightful. I have missed your posts but find your presence in the Quiltfolk magazine to be most enjoyable. Love you and your words Mary Fons!

  137. deb hanahan
    | Reply

    Yipee! Here’s a fête with kazoos to you! Yes you’ve been missed and yes a Sunday night Post will sustain!

  138. Teresa
    | Reply

    Glad you’re back. Looking forward to you Sunday Night Posts 🙂

  139. Lindsey
    | Reply

    I thought you had died. I even googled your name to find your obituary. I was pleased to find you weren’t dead. Welcome back.
    P.S. did you ever find out anything about that linen sheet I sent you?

  140. Michael J
    | Reply

    Welcome Home

  141. Denise in PA
    | Reply

    Yay! It’s *so* good to hear from you!! You did mention before how busy you are and that you might not be here as often (or did I just make that up????). Anyhoo, boy did I miss the ol’ PG!!

  142. Sally Caldwell Nesser
    | Reply

    OMG!! I’m so glad you have returned to your groupies. I thought maybe you were taking a pause but then no paper girl arrived and I thought maybe I had screwed up? I’m not to tech savvy. Then I was worried if you were okay, if Mr Nick was still in your life.
    Hope you are well and enjoyed a break. Everyone needs a brake and I know you were juggling a whole lot. Just delighted you are back in our lives. I think a post from papergirl on Sunday evenings sounds lovely.

  143. Donette Kurtz
    | Reply

    So glad your back. I looked you up and saw no post. So I figured I didn’t do something stupid and unsubscribe. Have missed your stories. Welcome home Paper Girl.

  144. Amy
    | Reply

    Oh Mary. You are real. Your reaction to stress was human. We can’t be all things to all people. Taking a break for your own personal reasons is your right without explanation. The fact that you struggle just like all of us is what makes you special. You write on your own schedule and we will be all the better for it.

  145. Claire
    | Reply

    So happy to get an email stating that you have a new post! Glad to see you back.

  146. Bob Collis
    | Reply

    I’m so glad you’re back! I really missed you, but understood that you were busy, and could only do so many things. I hope through all of this, you’ve managed to stay well! I never gave up hope that you’d be back.

  147. Theresa Libby
    | Reply

    Have soooo missed you!

  148. Karen
    | Reply

    Woo Hoo, she’s BAACCCKKK! We know that you are one busy gal and appreciate every tidbit that you can squeeze in the time to share. Love ya!

  149. Marianne Scott
    | Reply

    Happy New Year!
    Welcome back Miss Mary!

  150. Colleen
    | Reply

    Glad to have you back. We have missed you.

  151. Tracy Besmer
    | Reply

    I played my kazoo for you! Like some others, I was just thinking on Saturday about “How is Mary Fons?” The Universe has us all connected. I know you are so busy so if you miss once in a while, you will still be loved. If you were too busy to call your mother, would she stop loving you? No, so no worries!

  152. Maureen
    | Reply

    Welcome home Mary! I have missed your posts so much.
    Once a week? I’ll take it. Love you.

  153. Nita Brayton
    | Reply

    This is great news. Missed your life tales.

  154. Li
    | Reply

    I believe the above posts say it all. Thank you for staying in touch.

  155. Kathleen
    | Reply

    Missed your beautiful heart! Glad you are back!

  156. Mary KWT
    | Reply

    Missed you soooo much!

  157. Erin
    | Reply

    It is good to hear your voice again. Glad you are finding a way to fit Paper Girl into everything else. I look forward to Sundays (whenever they may be)!

  158. Cynthia Luxton
    | Reply

    Excellent! So glad you are back!

  159. Judy Forkner
    | Reply

    Flinging roses your way!

  160. Susan Riggs
    | Reply

    Great to have you back! You are a good, sincere, honest writer!

  161. Cindy
    | Reply

    I had my phone in bed with me for other emergency reasons. It went off, my heart stopped. Then I saw it was you and read. In the dark. Bluelight and all.

  162. Pamela Barnes
    | Reply

    I have missed you.

  163. Mary T
    | Reply

    You were sooooooo missed!

  164. Barbara Monis
    | Reply

    I have so missed you and your mother on Fons and Porter TV.

    The world is OK. I’m OK when watching a mum and daughter team finishing the others sentences and laughing and laughing and laughing.

    So glad you are here.

  165. Jekpearce
    | Reply

    You did not ghost; you told us you were going. And we were sad, because we love you. But we knew you were going to throw your heart and soul into your dream job, and your dream personal pursuits. Who can deny that to someone they love? So we wished you well, and said “rats!” to ourselves. And now, hopefully you’ve sorted out working on your dreams in a way that you can comfortably, enjoyably, and without pressure make us laugh and cry with you again, if on a somewhat reduced return period. Joy all around! We’re so glad you’re back.

  166. Barbara Ortiz
    | Reply

    Glad you’re back Mary, I have missed you and your writing so much!!

  167. Deb Piraino
    | Reply

    Welcome back….you were missed by many!

  168. Karen
    | Reply

    I missed you here on this blog, but you were never really gone from the world. Glad you are back in town!

  169. Linda Jennings
    | Reply

    Thank you. Missed you terribly. Once a week is better than nothing. Welcome home. ♥️

  170. Rhonda Hunter
    | Reply

    MISSED, MISSED, MISSED you! Welcome back, and know that seeing this email in my inbox made my day.

  171. Mary Ann Crow
    | Reply

    Hello, Miss Fons! Glad you’re here!!

  172. Mark
    | Reply

    I didn’t see the “Mary Fons eats chips” tag at the bottom of the post. Kinda quirky, but I always liked that part. Glad you’re back, kiddo.

  173. Christy
    | Reply

    So glad you are back! Love you and your wit!

  174. Ginny Renslow
    | Reply

    So HAPPY to have you back! We know you are busy as a bee.

  175. Mary Bellanti
    | Reply

    Welcome back!!

  176. Tracy
    | Reply

    Glad your back! You were missed and I will look forward to once a week!

  177. Gabrielle
    | Reply

    Oh Mary!!! I’m soooooo glad you’re back!!!! I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you!!!!!

  178. Carmen
    | Reply

    Am throwing confetti in the air! Hooray! I love the way you “talk”. Stay a while and bring us all up to speed. 🙂

  179. Linda Duff
    | Reply

    You’ve been working and the results (Quiltfolk) have been amazing! But I am glad to see that you’ll be able to be posting again. You were missed here on a regular basis! Enjoy your 2019 .. keep up the good work with Quiltfolk, and hope to see you when you come home to visit!

  180. Lisa E
    | Reply

    Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw your post in my feed! Hurrah!

  181. BeckyB
    | Reply

    Yay! Loved seeing your post today! Like elizabeth a hinze, I have been glancing at your instagram from time to time, and love watching you SOAR with your new position at Quiltfolk, but miss your wonderful stories, and fun family and friends. You are such a talented writer!

  182. Marion
    | Reply

    So happy to see you are back!!! Missed you!!

  183. Marion
    | Reply

    So happy to see you are back!! Missed you!

  184. Sue
    | Reply

    Whoo Hoooo!! Bing-ed you, Found you! Now I’ll go back and check my email too-thanks for the lesson to check it way more often—there’s GOLD in them thar hills! Welcome Home, we Need each other 🙂

  185. Tami M
    | Reply

    Reading you blog has always been like checking in with a friend. Even if I bump into it daily. Or go a few without contact then spans and afternoon catching up.

  186. Michele
    | Reply

    Lovely to see (read) you again!

  187. Sarah Pegg
    | Reply

    You were missed and we are glad to get you any way we can. By the way, if you run out of the “fancy stuff”, try plain old Crisco — it works fine in a pinch.

  188. Kathy
    | Reply

    a few roses never hurt anyone and I think you’re a kind of girl why might just have a pair of red heels I the back of the closet. Glad to see you are posting again! I’ve loved your style for years and look forward to Sunday evening .

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