I wasn’t kidding. About the Sunday Evening Post.
But on Sunday, I had to go to the hospital. You guys, I’m so sorry. I left in the early evening, right when I had planned to sit down with you for a nice fireside chat. I was so looking forward to it. All day, I was. Proof is in this very moment: I’ve just walked in the door to my home after so many days and what am I doing? Even before taking out the garbage, even before putting in a load of laundry. Even — prepare for astonishment — before making tea … I’m here. Right here.
I’m still here.
The Sunday Evening Post was late, but it was always coming.
Hope you are feeling MUCH better!
Wendi Adams
I hope you feel better soon!
Glad you are back home Mary. The sense of returning home from the hospital to your “normal” life with a chronic disease is comforting some how. I live with the wolf, more commonly known as Lupus. Chronic disease tends to make you realize what is truly important to your life and let you move on from what is not so important. Please take good care of yourself and have that cup of tea!
I couldn’t agree more. I to have Lupus and it is an eye opener. Glad your home. And Gentle Hugs fellow Friend.
Verna Buchanan
So sorry you are in the hospital. Hoping you feel better soon.
Take care. Keeping you close to my heart.
Judy Hart
Hope you’re feeling better.
Lauren Matheson
Be well, be safe. You owe yourself that, and us nothing.
Sorry to hear you were ill enough to stay in the hospital that long! I hope you are feeling much better.
Kathi Bryan
I can assume if you’re home, you’re feeling better and I hope it continues. Miss your posts.
Now that you’re home from the hospital, the feeling better should begin. xo
Diana Bell
Sending blessings and prayers for healing. Bless you.
Just take care of yourself and try to forget about all the rest.Get well soon.
Love and hugs, Mary! Sending healing thoughts your way!
Carol Ann
We are all here, waiting for you, wishing you well, and contemplating various things until your next post. We always will be. You are a gift worth waiting for.
Hi Mary,
I was thinking that is a very cheery hospital room. I like the slightly yellow walls and the cheery curtains.
I do hope that you are doing well, and that you are on the mend…
Chronic disease is a pain…mine, as chronic disease goes, is mild…well now that I am on medicine.
I pray that you will be restored, if you aren’t, and that we will continue to be blessed by you. Let me know how
we can bless you.
Hi Mary ,
So sorry to hear that you’ve been that ill. Coming home from hospital is sometimes as exhausting & unsettling as going in – please take your time restoring some physical , mental & emotional energy now. Healing time for you – not writing time. Sleep & rest.
Much love x Veronica ( Ireland)
Maureen Seppa
Aww, Mary…so sorry to hear that you have been sick….but so glad you are back home. My advice: Cover up with one of your beautiful quilts…have a cup of tea and call your Mom ; ) Take good care of yourself…
Maureen Seppa
Aww, Mary…I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick….but so glad you are back home. My advice: Cover up with one of your beautiful quilts…have a cup of tea and call your Mom ; ) And get someone to make you chicken soup. I wish it could be me ; ) Take good care of yourself…
Colleen Grady
I feel you. I went to the hospital on Saturday for “fluids and antibiotics” and I could go home that night. Nope. I got to go home on Tuesday! I am thankful for the kindness of strangers but I like my bed more.
I hope you are well on your way to healing!
Get better, Mary! Miss you. My prayers are with you. Take care and Best Wishes!
You take it easy and we’ll be here when you’re ready. You are worth waiting for.
So sorry you were in the hospital. So happy that you are feeling better and home. As others have said, that’s the most important. The rest…can wait.
Mary Ann Scanlon
Oh do take care Mary. We worry about you.
Hey Mary,
I hope you get better soon. Holler when you’re back home.
Tracy Snyder
Feel better!
Donette Kurtz
Praying you heal fast. Enjoy the uninvited down time.
Lesley Gilbert
Not good you had to stay in hospital, but good to know you are safely back home, amongst your home things you will have missed. Sending get well ((hugs)) ….
Anita Brayton
Plans + Life = the jokes’s on us. Feel better soon, we’ve missed you.
Pat Hicks
Please take care, I’ve missed you, so glad you are feeling better.
Marilyn Jackson
Hope you continue to recover. Rest! Nothing is more important than your health, including the job.
Kathie Hood
Your first commitment is to your health with that will come peace and after that your family – and then and only then the rest of us. We will hold you in thought and prayer and look forward to your fun and creativity when you have the strength to share with us.
Poor you. I’ve made many a trip to the ED, so you have my utmost sympathy. I hope all is well now and you can stick close to home. Looking forward to hearing more from you when you are up to it! Take good care!
Brenda King
Dear Mary- So sad to hear about your recent sickness and hospitalization. Hope you will be feeling good as new very soon! You and your health are what matters now. Please don’t worry about us. Take good care of you, rest and sleep as you wish, enjoy your time off. Hope you are comfortable! We’ll all be here, awaiting your return, when you are well! Much love and wishes for a speedy recovery! Brenda King, Bend, Oregon
Lisa Floyd
Hope you feel better. I hate hospitals!
lori friedman
Oh dear. just tell that body of yours to just stop it. no really. you’ve got stuff to do. books to read. other people (OP’s) to be with. resolution #1 body just stop that.
Pam Fairchild
I’m so sorry Mary and I’m glad you’re home! I understand, I live with a chronic blood cancer, no cure but manageable with chemo. I also have AFIB which lands me in the ER too often! I hope you’re feeling better and can stay away from that place for a long time!
Mary. From one with chronic disease (known as MS) you know what you have to do. Yes, it can be difficult to change our ways of doing all that we want, especially for others (!) but we must. Fireside Chats is such a good idea ONLY if you are up to it. I hate missing holidays and baby showers (not so much really) weddings and just walking our 2 labs for goodness sake BUT I love being able to do what I can whenever I can. Take care of you. You FIRST! YOU GOT THIS! Be well and feel better. And thank you for all your efforts on our behalf.
Take care and be good to yourself.
Bob Collis
‘Glad you’re home! I hope you’re feeling better. I worry about you when we don’t hear from you, but don’t feel obligated. Your health comes first!
Your head is screwed on properly, priorities in the right place (except for the possible exception of sitting down to write before making a restorative hot drink) and you are hopefully in full recovery mode. Your health definitely comes first, and I’m sorry to hear you have had a bit of an issue. Here’s hoping this episode is now over. Definitely over.
Robin Medley
Is PhillipLarkins still in your LIFE?
He would give you those love and kisses to make you feel better.
Keep warm it is a 3 quilt night!
Please take care, Mary !!!