Everyone’s just nutty about all those subscription box things.
Well, okay: If you haven’t heard about the subscription box thing, you are proof that not everyone is nutty about them, but once I tell you what they are, you might go nuts. Everyone else is, already! Here’s the definition from Wikipedia, which one should not really use to define things, but I am in press for Issue 07 of Quiltfolk and have to get up before dawn to edit:
A subscription box is a recurring delivery of niche products. Subscription boxes are a marketing strategy and a method of product distribution. Subscription boxes are used by subscription-based e-commerce businesses, referred to as “subcom” for short, which follow a subscription business model.”
What do you buy that you probably don’t actually need? Clothes? Jewelry? Makeup? Toys? Snacks? Home decor items? Kitchen gadgets? All of these things can now be purchased via subscription box. Whatever company you sign up with — and once you pay them, of course — they put things in a box and send them to you. From what I understand, some subscription boxes allow you to send things back; other “subcoms” just give you your stuff and if you don’t like it, well, better luck next month.
I do not subscribe to any of these boxes. I’m not saying I never would, but I don’t want strangers sending me things I did not shop for myself. I can appreciate that it’s fun, that it’s like Christmas when you open a new subscription box, except … Well, you’re paying for it. So it’s sort of like Christmas for adults. Yay.
I thought of a few subscription boxes I would love to get. None of them are real but they obviously should be.
Ice Cream Box — Weekly
A new flavor every time, as long as the new flavors are always praline pecan, butter brickle, or salty caramel.
Massage Box — Every 4 hours
A small masseuse pops out of the box and makes it all better.
Box of Money — Constantly
Signature required.
Housekeeper Box — 3 x Week
Just think: When you open the box, the person is already inside, ready to start tidying while you pack your suitcase to go back to the airport!
Jewelry Box — Whenever
Lots of fance jewelry, all gold and sparkly things. Because you’re worth it and you’re nice to the UPS delivery person.
The only subscription boxes I have actually thought of getting are the Art Snacks boxes, mostly because I have a thing for trying new art/drawing supplies and they come with a piece of art (so you get to learn about new independent artists) and a drawing or art challenge to make something with the items in the box. Also, the Quilty boxes look nice too, but usually I a pretty picky about what fabric or quilt supplies I want to purchase and the random aspect of the contents would mean getting stuff I either didn’t want, or would never use. However, your ideas for subscription boxes sound excellent too.
Linda Duff
WHAT?!?! No anything-quilt-related boxes?!?!
Actually, you should probably have macaroon boxes……..
Enjoy Portland. Looking forward to seeing your work in QF#7.
Oh I love mine, I get button lovers from Just another Button Co, mini quilt and embroidery monthly calendar girl from stitches with love. I just love getting these packages in the mail! My husband I’m sure is not as thrilled as me but deals!
Nadine Donovan
I love your subscription box idea- I would want the same!!
Georgia O'Neal
Do they have a wine subscription box ??? Say, twice ( or even 3) times a week ? Hummmmm???
I’d like to place my order for the first four subscription boxes, please. When can I expect delivery, Mary? Fantastic ideas – note, I’m trying not to be to greedy so I skipped the jewelry. That’s just how I roll. LOL
Mrs. Plum
I’m with you on the housekeeper box—especially one who would tidy my quilting spot and would magically know what should be qtossed and what precious tidbits needed to be saved!
Not keen on subscription boxes, although the idea that funds go to charity is a good one. But I do like to choose for myself on most things. There’s only so many knickknacks that I need – and some I know I’d never use. But for me it has to be a wild bird food box – because the wild birds in my garden beg shamelessly for mealworms or raisins. Some even hint loudly at the window or doors. One of the blackbirds decided to go and get them from the kitchen himself – same bird used to sit on the greenhouse roof while I was working in there. He was a special dude – I called him Tatty Bird because he had a curly feather on his back. I did some time later spot a mum blackbird feeding a baby blackbird both with the same curly feathers. Daughter/sister with a child/grandchild. So yes, that birdie feed would be ideal.
Kathryn Darnell
Could I, very pretty please, have a subscription box that would press my seams while I am quilting AND pick up all the thread and scraps on the floor.
I really love the idea of getting a surprise every month, but the practical aspect ruins it for me
1. I have to pay for it
2. I am sure I’d get things
a. That I already own
b. I’d get things I don’t like, need, want.
Which is why I both wish I’d get subscribered and never will subscribe
I think it might be a fun gift for a new quilter however
My daughter in law received flowers every month for one year on the day of the month she gave birth to her first child as a gift from her mother.
I thought that was a very thoughtful gift
Denise Braybrooke
I would like to have the massage box!!
Shoe Box!
Chocolate box every time!!!
Helen Marie
as it happens, I own an olden Times jewelbox similar to the one above. Mine is an octagon which belonged to my dad and his dad before him. I’d like a Wilbur box every month with their caramel dipped chocolate covered fresh marshmallows and a pound of Wilbur Buds. If you ever get to Lancaster, PA, do make a trip to Lititz (darling town, btw) and to the Wilbur Chocolate Museum and Shop. Heavenly chocolatey goodness! And if you continue on 401 through Lititz, and take a left turn on Brubaker Valley Road, you will enjoy Weavers Drygoods! One of the best organized fabric shops ever with far too many theme fabrics to mention and a bit of gifty stuff as well. (But no Peppered cottons )