When I tell you that the past two weeks have been agonizing, don’t be alarmed. It was a certain kind of agonizing that was not many other kinds of agonizing, thank goodness.
I was not nightly persecuted by owls, for example. No anvils dropped out of the sky at regular (or irregular) intervals. My fridge did not say disapproving things to me as she witnessed my eating habits. Can you imagine??
No, life was tough because I was on location for Quiltfolk last week and most of the week before and I couldn’t tell you anything about it. I didn’t tell you I was traveling at all! I just kept quiet as a mouse and had to post less often, partly because I worked 16-18 hour days and partly because I couldn’t make a peep about where we were. We like to keep the location of the next issue of Quiltfolk a secret for at least a little while, so I couldn’t write to you about any of the things I was seeing, the people I was meeting, the quilts I saw … !
How painful it was to not be able to tell you about when [REDACTED] brought out all the quilts made by [REDACTED] that are so world-famous. How it pained me to not share about when the lady at the [REDACTED] showed us the legendary [REDACTED] and we actually met [REDACTED], who made us a [CHEESECAKE] for lunch!
I think I can say cheesecake, can’t I? Guess we’ll find out!
But seriously: Going to [REDACTED] for Issue 07 was one of the most extraordinary experiences I’ve had in my professional life. It was that good.
Issue 06 : Arizona is now on newsstands everywhere. It’s shipping to subscribers, available now. I’m so proud of the Arizona issue, so over-the-moon happy about the work we’re doing. Quiltfolk is oral history. It’s culture for quilters, for people. It’s getting stronger with every story because it must. The stakes are high, the time is now.
And when you see Issue 07 in a few months, you’ll see why I was in agony, trying to not let the [REDACTED] cat out of the bag.
Ann Ragsdale
I recently subscribed to Quiltfolk and am looking forward to issue 6. I also purchased the Iowa edition and found it to be amazing. The pictures, articles, and interesting information were wonderful. Congratulations on becoming part of this publication. I can’t wait to see future issues.
I often thought I’got my dog to help my nephew who was going through a tough time. Little did I know I was filling a void I could not speak of . Years of invisible illness, depression, loneliness,and very few social relationships. That dog is still with me 11 years later and I added one more to my brood. The only times individuals speak to me other than when I’m at work, is when I have one of them on a leash. They Are my family.
Have no fear go for it.
You are [REDACTED] killing me with all these tempting secret bits. I can’t wait to see where QF has been and I thank goodness I just received Arizona 06 to keep me busy. Looking forward to more blogging.
Maria murphree
Loving my Quiltfolk subscription.
Gorgeous Post Mary – so delighted Quiltfolk has come into being & cant wait to read it. Keep well x Veronica
Elita @ Busy Needle Quilting
Any possibility that Quiltfolk will venture beyond American borders when you run out of states? We’d love to have you come to Switzerland! We have a few quilters here too. 🙂
So entertaining, crafty writing, so fun.
Colleen Sain
Just finished reading Arizona and can I say WoW! The photography is breathtaking. The stories are compelling. Thanks!
Cheesecake! Come to NYC next – we have great cheesecake!
Linda Duff`
SO darn happy and excited that you are on the Quiltfolk masthead. They certainly knew what they were doing when they asked you to join their group! LOVE THIS PUBLICATION!! (It’s too big to be called a magazine, and it’s not really a catalog . . . and, oh whatever!) Just know I’m glad to see your work among the pages.
Waiting to see where you were at when you were eating cheesecake!! 🙂
Deanna Tobias
I am over the moon for Quiltfolk….just finished awesome Arizona. I cobble each issue like chocolate. Delighted that you are part of my very favorite publication EVER!
Quiltfolk is an awesome magazine, I enjoy it so much. You’ve done some lovely interviews so far, looking forward to more.