Meet the New Editorial Director of Quiltfolk Magazine!

posted in: Quilting, Work 109
Wait, who’s that chick in the red glasses?? Oh, it’s me! Photos by Melanie Zacek.


I kept saying there were big announcements coming soon, that I’d be sharing good news before long. Maybe some folks thought I was finally going to get my dream dog, Philip Larkin. Did anyone think I eloped?? That would be so cool if someone thought that.

There’s no Philip Larkin, yet, and I’m not as far as I know. I was promoted to Editorial Director of Quiltfolk magazine, though.

:: skips, jumps, trips on a stray sock, gets glass of water, returns ::

Can you stand it?? How cool is this?? To me, this the Coolest Thing Ever. Quiltfolk is doing is precisely what my heart is telling me — no, shouting at me — to do right now: investigate, celebrate, and honor quilt culture in America, past, present, and future. Quiltfolk is real. Quiltfolk is dreamy. Ergo, editorially directing Quiltfolk is a very real, very dream-y job for me. I have red marks on my arm from pinching myself for the past couple weeks. I’d better see my doctor about — oh, wait … Maybe not.

[Look, people, if I don’t laugh, I won’t stop crying about yesterday’s post. Thank you, everyone for listening to me — and to each other.]

A new job offers an opportunity to reflect on one’s professional life, don’t you think? I mean, when I was in high school and stopped waiting tables at the Pizza Hut north of town to wait tables at Northside Cafe on the town square, I recall doing some soul searching. Come with me for just a moment, will you, as I mull over this promotion?

It’s been about 10 years since I began working in earnest in what I saw at the time as my mother’s industry. I still think of it as her industry, honestly, and I’m okay with that. We’re all just standing on the shoulders of giants; my mother would say the same thing.

Anyway, in the early years I was a nervous beginner asking the dumb questions on “Love of Quilting.” A couple years later, I grew into what we call a “confident beginner,” able to create and host “Quilty,” an online how-to show for other beginners. “Quilty” grew a cult following for the five years it was on the internet-air, and I was able to use my freelance writing skills to serve as editor of “Quilty” magazine for four years. I wrote a book during that time. I dreamed of making a Mary Fons fabric line of reproduction fabrics and I did! I really did that and I loved that project. I’ve created and delivered a ton of webinars. And I have spent many, many days planning and executing gigs from one coast to the other, teaching and lecturing for (tens of?) thousands of quilters at this point.

**Quick note on that last thing: Between my former life as a Chicago theater professional and my experience as an itinerant quilt teacher/speaker, I fear no room. No grand auditorium, no tiny church basement, no ad hoc retreat center phases me. Beyond that, there is no tech failure I cannot work around. When the projector at a guild meeting in Oklahoma two years ago was DOA, I did my entire slideshow presentation with no slides. And you know what? I slayed.

The whole time, ceaselessly, I’ve been writing. Writing this blog; articles for Fons & Porter; the Quilt Scout; articles for magazines like Modern Patchwork and Curated Quilts. And, starting with Issue 04: Tennessee, I’ve been writing for Quiltfolk magazine.

One more point to make and then more about Quiltfolk:

All this stuff I’ve been up to over the past decade has been done in front of everyone. As I’ve grown (into) my career, I’ve been on display. Anything I do, it’s out there, right away. This is partly due to the Fons name, partly due to the internet overall, and partly due to this blog, of course. Without the ol’ PG, I could show you less. I could hide better. I could have career developments and changes and losses and trials and victories and failures and disappointments and agonies and ecstasies slightly more in private if I didn’t do what I’m doing right now, which is writing to thousands of subscribers about my life, on my couch, in my pajamas. With some chips, maybe.

(There are chips.)

My point — and I do have one — is that doing everything in full view is kookoo bananas … but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love growing up in front of you. You’re my tribe. You’re my people. I love you. You see me. And when I look at the comments and the paper mail, I think that you really do love me right back. (Woah.) And when people actually love you, they are happy for you when good things happen, and so you want to tell them. You want to celebrate, they want to celebrate. Because wow, life is hard, sometimes, but other times, it’s just really good. This is really good, this new opportunity Mike McCormick has given me. Thank you, Mike.

Quiltfolk is important. When you see it, if you haven’t seen it, yet, you’ll know. You’ll see.

In closing: To those of you who are wondering how I’m going to manage the new position while I’m in grad school, know that a) I’m almost done with school; b) the promotion at Quiltfolk forced me to resign — with class, diplomacy, and a promise to help in the transition — from the student newspaper; c) I’m not accepting any gigs for the foreseeable future; d) I’m considering bi-weekly Swedish massages until I finish graduate in on May 14th, 2018.

You’ll see it all, if you come with me.

So come with me, okay?

109 Responses

  1. Janice Tucker
    | Reply

    I am so very thrilled for you, we don’t always know what fate has in store for us, but you clearly roll with it. Kudos to you:

  2. Linda Glesd
    | Reply

    Congrats, Mary, on your exciting new adventure!!

  3. Gabi Arnold-Sampaio
    | Reply

    I am sew happy for you, Mary! Congrats! Well deserved!!!

  4. Michelle
    | Reply


  5. Debby Kreifels
    | Reply

    Mary I wish the very best for you! You certainly have the best attitude no matter the situation life throws at you and when you need to share…….your tribe is out there ready to listen and support! (I am one of those (tens of) thousands who has listened to you at quilt shows. Oh yes, I do love Quiltfolk! Looking forward to more blogs, hugs to you! Debby

    • Mindy
      | Reply


  6. Debbie
    | Reply

    Congratulations, Mary!!! I love your blog, and I was so excited to see how many articles you had written in the latest Quiltfolk magazine. You have such a unique way of writing that I knew it was you.

  7. Mary Lou Maloni
    | Reply


  8. Jody Randall
    | Reply

    Congratulations Mary! So happy for you. I’ve been following you since you started on your Mom’s show and watched you grow! Love your blog and Happy Editing!

  9. Mary Burns
    | Reply

    Oh yippee, yea, hooray!!! Mary, I am so proud of you! I’m just an Iowa quilter, more your mothers age. My kids are your age. But I do see you, I relate to you, and I hear you, thanks to your wonderful writing. From your first wobbly steps on Fons and Porter, you have bravely put yourself right out there. And you continue. You persist. And now look where it has gotten you! You are amazing, girl!

  10. Sharon
    | Reply

    Congratulations! You.ll do great!

  11. Joyce
    | Reply

    Congratulations!!! I’m so excited for you!

  12. Mandy Laseter
    | Reply

    I got goosebumps reading of your fantastic new job. It fits you to a T. You deserve this new adventure and I know you will flourish in it. Blessings.

  13. Gayle
    | Reply

    Congratulations! You will do a wonderful job,

  14. SaraF
    | Reply

    I’m a HUGE fan of Quiltfolk and you will be excellent in your new position.

  15. Peggy Perry
    | Reply

    Sooo happy cannot wait to read the magazine now!!!

  16. Jeanann
    | Reply

    Wonderful news! I am estastic (well, probably not as estastic as you are) about this accomplishment in your life. I love Quiltfolk and have been a subscriber since I discovered the magazine. Congratulations!!

  17. JC
    | Reply

    WOW!! This is Huge and congratulations!! I have loved Quiltfolk from the very first issue…

  18. Geralyn
    | Reply

    You are amazing and Quiltfolk is lucky to have you. A wonderful publication!

  19. Kari
    | Reply

    Congrats!! So happy for you 🙂

  20. Melody A.
    | Reply

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! you are a force to be reckoned with no matter what!!! and that is amazing and admirable and what we need in this world !!! So it is absolutely wonderful that you have landed a dream job you will certain leave your imprint on!! Take care and stay warm and well from Iowa

  21. Pat Hicks
    | Reply

    Mary, Congratulations, I am so happy for you. I think Michael needs to bring you back to Springfield, OR after school is out. Of course we would have to have tea while you were here. Michael couldn’t have found a better person than you!!

    Mary I also wanted to say that you are in my prayers for guidance and perseverance in finding and putting together another medical team. I can remember so many times when our family felt so alone in trying to find good medical care for my sister, and how doctors would see how thick her medical file was and not even look at it. At one point we had to tell the nurses and doctors that a surgery was not going to happen unless they looked through her medical file. As soon as they did they saw why they needed to review it and glad that they did as it meant life or death for my sister. I’m sure we all feel like your extended family and support and care about all you go through. You bring such richness to our lives thank you for including us in yours.

  22. Meg
    | Reply

    You are so talented and deserve all this great stuff! You are very inspiring. Congratulations!

  23. Sue Culham
    | Reply

    You’ve got this MaryFons! I so love all your writings . After meeting you in October I know you’ll reign supreme with all your exhuberence and contagious energy and love for quilting . Keep up the good work!

  24. Annie W
    | Reply

    AWESOME!!! Congratulations, Mary! You continue to bloom and grow and blossom into a most wonderful human bean! :)) I’m so excited for you!

  25. Vivian
    | Reply

    Whoop, whoop, whoop! Huge congrats! So thrilled for you. Say yes to the bi-weekly massages, those (too short) sessions can be wonderfully relaxing, sanity-saving interludes.

  26. Kelly Ashton
    | Reply

    Congratulations, Mary!!!!!! I am SO happy and thrilled for you!!!

  27. Jane
    | Reply

    This is wonderful news! Good for you! I’m a big fan of yours, and I just love Quiltfolk, so I’m really looking forward to your future and that of Quiltfolk.

  28. Sheila Mesick
    | Reply

    I love Quiltfolk. It is a resource that is priceless. Congrats! I like your new hairdo too.

  29. Tracy
    | Reply

    Congratulations on your finding your own path and succeeding personally and professionally. You go girl!

  30. Chris Chambers
    | Reply

    Congratulations on your new adventure!!

  31. Sandra
    | Reply

    You go, girl! Now I just need to renew my subscription!

  32. Glenda Hoagland
    | Reply

    Congratulations. This is so wonderful for you,

  33. Kathy
    | Reply

    I couldn’t be happier for you, Mary, and am grateful to be a part of your tribe. Your enthusiasm and willingness to share life’s ups and downs with all of us is refreshing. You are a great example of what the human spirit can accomplish and overcome. Keep forging ahead, my friend!

  34. Kerry
    | Reply

    How exciting for you! Many congratulations! WOOT!!

  35. Nancy M
    | Reply

    Oh yes , I am Soooo coming with you ! So very happy for you! Congratulations !!!!! ( throwing imaginary confetti ). Woo-hoo!

  36. Marianne ten Kate
    | Reply

    Wow, wow, wow! More Mary in print! Yay! You go gal!

  37. Jackie O
    | Reply

    Congrats, Mary!! You have worked hard to get where you are going. Enjoy and give yourself a pat on the back!

  38. Sharon Strickland
    | Reply

    Yay! Hooray! So happy for your success and all that you do for the quilting community.

  39. Marianne Fons
    | Reply

    Hi Mar,
    As you know, my dear, I’ve been proud of you from the moment you were born. That you fell in love with quilts and fabric and are now writing so meaningfully about quilts and the people who create them makes me all the more proud. I adore all the things you do. Kudos to QUILTFOLK for putting you at the editorial helm. On, Voyager!

  40. Barbara
    | Reply

    Exciting news! Your journey has been our journey – thank you for sharing the ride. Watching you grow over the last ten years has given us all inspiration. We are standing on your shoulders!! You were a joy from day one – your Mom is beaming I am sure.

    I am signing up today.

  41. Jo Chalk
    | Reply

    Congratulations, Mary. Hard work and dedication have brought you to your dream, bravo. “No pressure, no diamonds!”

  42. Patti-Ann Kubacki
    | Reply

    That’s amazing, so very very happy for you. You will do terrific at this new job. As grad school is almost over, yes the next few months will be crazy but we all know you can get it done. You’ll have such a sense of accomplishment that it will make all the sacrifice and hard work well worth it. Please remember to take care of yourself physically as well, rest when you can and even if you can’t make yourself find a little time anyway. Best of luck with it all.

  43. Karen Hanson
    | Reply

    Congratulations, we all want to have our dream job and now you have found yours. So happy, happy happy for you!!

  44. Celesta
    | Reply

    Congratulations Mary, you go girl! And yes we do love you!!

  45. Heather
    | Reply

    I’ve been with ya since a randy post about a Saint Germaine poster, and I’m not going anywhere! Cheers to you, Mary! Bravo!

  46. Jennifer
    | Reply

    Yay Mary!! So super excited for you!! I completely LOVE Quiltfolk—it is AHMAZING!!!In picking you for this position they’ve cemented their awesomeness!! Hooray for all of us!!

  47. Kim S
    | Reply

    Spot on!! Super happy for you!

  48. Dana Chapman
    | Reply

    So thrilled for you, Mary! I love Quiltfolk and look forward to future issues containing your perspective humor!

  49. Dana Chapman
    | Reply

    Perspective and humor, sorry for the typo.

  50. Sue Chase
    | Reply

    So very glad to hear this news, congratulations! And glad our brand new subscriptions here at Great Lakes Heritage Quilters (because of you) are safe & in good hands!

  51. Mary Spriet
    | Reply

    Congratulations! I also like to thank for boosting “young peoples” interest in quilting. I’m a longarm quilter, and when asked what I do, people say “Do people still do that?”. Honestly, I love seeing younger people coming into it with fresh eyes & fresh ideas. ….. not that I’m that old….. but love what you’re doing. Carry on with the torch that your Mom, among others, have lit for people like me. Best wishes on your bright future. You surely are a spark yourself!

  52. Norma
    | Reply


    Where can we find this magazine? Is it available in Canada?

  53. Lenna DeMarco
    | Reply

    Mary! Congratulations!! No one could be more perfect for that position. I had such a good time wit you and the staff of Quiltfolk when you interviewed me for the magazine. After seeing a copy of the magazine I’ve gotten quite a few of my friends and relatives to subscribe. I see wonderful things ahead for both you and Quiltfolk. BTW I got a nice email from your Mum. She’s pretty darned pleaded with as are we all!! Bravo!

    • Lenna DeMarco
      | Reply

      Well I I hate autocorrect! Pretty darned pleased with you!!

  54. Rachel
    | Reply

    This Is so exciting. I have been absolutely enthralled with each publication of Quiltfolk. When you stated writing for them, I could totally hear your “voice”. Congratulations. (come to WI)

  55. Andrea
    | Reply

    Woooo hooo!!! Congratulations, what a perfect gig for you!!!

  56. Ann Bailey
    | Reply

    Lucky (hard-working) girl!) Good luck and best wishes, Mary! Prayers flowing for your good health!

  57. Denise in PA
    | Reply

    Yes, we love you, Mary! The good … and the not so good, the beautiful and the not so. And, this is good and I am so,so thrilled for you – you will slay this too!! So glad we can come along for the ride – thank you for that. (And, you mentioned, maybe, possibly, a revival of the podcast???? That would be so very awesome.) Congrats!

  58. susan
    | Reply


  59. Amy Spungen
    | Reply

    I have spent a lot of time recently thinking and talking about Quiltfolk, and I’m delighted you will be the new editorial director. It’s a beautiful and beautifully written magazine. Best of luck to you in your new position!

  60. Nancy Pederson
    | Reply

    I signed up to get your blog and ordered a subscription for Quiltfolk soon after you spoke at our Mad City Quilt Guild meeting last August. So I started with Issue 2. But, happily, I was able to get Issue 1, so will have a complete set to hand off to my children when I die. (Depending on which of us gives up first.)

    I’ve enjoyed both your blog and the Quilfolk magazine since the first day I read both.

    I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in April 2014, and have been struggling with the movement of my feet since that is the sympton I have most. I don’t have the tremors usually associated with the disease, so I can still do my quilting.

    I wish you the best in your search for good health care and in building your new medical team. I know how important it can be to trust those who you’ve put in charge of your health care.

  61. Sue Wagenaar
    | Reply

    Congrats!! You are the perfect person to bring such joy and happiness to this magazine through your writing.

  62. Carrie
    | Reply

    Sew very happy for you, Mary. You deserve all good things. It’s gonna be a lot of stress on you, but you can do it! What a fabulous opportunity! Go, girl!!

  63. Donnamarie Falk
    | Reply

    CELEBRAT ING YOU!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  64. Barbara
    | Reply

    Congratulations! They are so lucky to have you. Quiltfolk has been very good, but now, with you, it will be super fantastic!!

  65. Gretchen F
    | Reply

    This is the most exciting thing I’ve read all week! Congratulations!

  66. Diana L Kiley
    | Reply

    KABOOM ! ! ! ! ! You are more than awesome. Words do not exist in my meager vocabulary to say how much I admire you. You have stuck through life in thick and thin and now you are getting what has been in your stars from the beginning.

  67. Cara
    | Reply

    Hooray! I was reading my issue of Quilt Folk this week and started a new article without looking at the byline. (I know, I know. But, honestly, I do that a lot.). Three sentences in (literally, I went back and counted) I thought “Mary wrote this one.” And you had. Your voice is so strong, so clear that I immediately recognized it, and yet it doesn’t distract from the story. I noticed Shalena and Tricia also had clear and distinct voices (enough so that even a slacker like me looked up and took note of their byline). It makes for much more interesting reading. I look forward to seeing how you encourage that development in the future.

  68. Cindy
    | Reply

    Kudos on your new position, Mary! Way to follow your dream! (And yes, we’re all coming along for the ride!) ❤️

  69. Mariette Demarest
    | Reply

    Congrats. Mary !
    I love QUILT FOLK. You are a perfect fit and I love your writing.

  70. Lauretta
    | Reply

    I am so happy for you! I am 52 and been a quilter since 1992. My grandmother was a quilter. I’ve been obsessed with quilts, quilters and women’s history for years. I even shadowed an AQS appraiser for a year (and I still may become a certified appraiser one day.) My point is that I’ve “grown up” watching your mom and Liz (and other quilt Giants) and was super excited to see you take up the torch, so to speak, even though I don’t personally know you or your mother. But, I watched Quilty and your Mom’s show, and as you hinted, when a life is lived in public (as the internet makes this more and more common) you really do begin to feel like you know people. There are numerous bloggers who I follow and am sad when they experience tragedy and I’m happy when they experience good things! Many congrats and I’m so happy you’ll keep that torch going.

  71. Cari Goode
    | Reply

    Wow Mary, that’s great news! A couple months ago I sent an email to Michael McCormick regarding – let’s say an oversight – in one of the issues, and I said that “Mary Fons wouldn’t have missed this.” He was very nice and prompt in his reply. I am curious if that put a bug in his ear about your new job or maybe it confirmed what was already in the works? Matters not, because I know you’ll be fabulous. And I hope you continue to be a contributing author.

  72. Judy Dobbins
    | Reply

    Awesome news, Yay for you! You go girl!

  73. Mavis King
    | Reply

    Way to Cool! I took a class from you at the Quilted Steeple. Delightful experience You made it so much fun. Thank you.

  74. Anne
    | Reply

    The first issue I saw was Hawaii as we were getting ready for trip to HI. I loved the magazine and bought the next issue. When I found Mary Fons was on board, I subscribed and bought back issues. It is expensive but well worth it. When are you coming to AR? I want to meet you!!!

  75. Caryn Pedersen
    | Reply

    How wonderful! I love your blog and now I need a subscription to Quiltfolk!

  76. Therese
    | Reply

    Congrats Mary. There is no one more deserving this. You’ve worked oh so hard. Now is time to sit back, while continuing to work even harder and RELAX. you’ve done it now

  77. Liz
    | Reply

    CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so excited for you! I have always enjoyed reading about your adventures, and look forward to reading about all your new ones.

  78. Jackie
    | Reply

    Congratulations!! You’ve worked hard and deserve this.

  79. Laurie
    | Reply

    Congrats. Love reading what you’ve posted. Prayers that your health stays on the good track!

  80. Susan Russell
    | Reply

    WONDERFUL! Congratulations 🙂
    I guess I need to learn more about Quiltfolk too and subscribe!

  81. Louise
    | Reply

    This is so cool! You know, you have done these things in public, but to me you are a private person who blogs about her everyday life on PG. I know you are also that beautiful, funny person I see online, on TV, on magazines; but mostly I like the very real, very poignant posts right here.
    I’ve been thinking about how difficult losing doctors would be — that really has been on my mind since I read it late last night. I hope you find people who care deeply for you. Everyone deserves that kind of care.

  82. Kathlene Larson
    | Reply

    Congratulations, Mary. Of course we’re coming with you

  83. Cheryl
    | Reply

    Wow!!! Congratulations!! I remember the days when you waitressed in Winterset!! ” You’ve come a long way baby!”. Really enjoy reading your writings!

  84. Cathy
    | Reply

    Congratulations how awesome is that!

  85. Jenny
    | Reply

    Oh oh Mary!!!!! I am so proud of you and happy for you! What an amazing adventure ! You are and will do amazing and great things!! Oh I am just so excited for you!

  86. Britiney
    | Reply

    Hugest congrats, Mary! No one deserves this more or is more qualified. Thrilled for you, and for all of us. xo

  87. Debby Dodds
    | Reply

    Yippee! I’ve got all of the Quiltfolk issues and love them. Just finished the Tennessee issue last week and so very much enjoyed your articles. This is really really good news for all of us!! Congratulations!!!

  88. Su H.
    | Reply

    Congratulations! I’m very proud of you, doing it all with grace and dignity. If you want to have have grace and dignity, or maybe humor and grit. Whatever it takes! You are doing it your way!

  89. Ann Wiest
    | Reply

    So happy for you, Mary! Still hoping to see you on TV, the web, etc. I so enjoy watching and listening to you. Congratulations!!

  90. Susan
    | Reply

    I have been on the fence about subscribing to Quiltfolk. No longer. Jumping in. Congratulations, Mary! Well deserved!

  91. Mary Ann
    | Reply

    Congratulationss! This does seem like the gig you’ve been destined for Mary. And I can’ wait to see how it all works together.

  92. Sue Roork
    | Reply

    Mary, you work so hard, you are so smart, and interesting. You care about people . It’s just a natural progression that you would get this position, so, congratulations! Take care of yourself, don’t make me cringe when describing what you eat!

  93. Janice Simmons
    | Reply

    I am so thrilled for you, Mary. This is outstanding news for Quiltfolk too because they are lucky to have you join in their endeavor. I know Quiltfolk will be all the better with you steering the ship. Congratulations on a well deserved promotion.

  94. Leslie Sorensen
    | Reply

    Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. Looking forward to reading your magazine.

  95. Carrie Halem
    | Reply

    Congratulations, good job. Some people have said mean things in the past forgetting that at one time they too needed to learn. I have seen you grow and improve and are now cream of the crop. Congratulation and keep up the good work, without our newbies staying around and promoting quilting it will slip back into the shadows and be lost.
    The Quiltfolk Magazine is beautiful and a quality Magazine.
    Thank you for your perseverance and caring for quilting.

  96. Heather
    | Reply

    Such exciting news Mary!! I’m so happy for you and know that Quiltfolk is lucky to have you on board. I know amazing things are yet to come.

  97. Carol Zupancic
    | Reply

    I received my Quilfolk magazine last week and loved it BUT I’m very happy to hear that news about your promotion.
    Carol Zupancic, QUILT FOR A Cause , Tucson Az.

  98. Barbara
    | Reply

    I’m so happy for you Mary. The people at Quiltfolk see you and want you on their team. How very intuitive (and incredibly wonderful) of them. Cheers to you Mary! xo

  99. Marcia Rickettson
    | Reply

    I’m very excited for you!! I think this will be a wonderful fit! I heard you speak in East Aurora NY. You were so inspiring! At that time you were looking forward to being part of the Tennessee issue. Because of you I not only ran out and bought your fabric and made a beautiful quilt out of it, I also asked for and rec’d all past issues and this year’s subscription to Quiltfolk!! I love it!!! Congratulations!!!

  100. leanne
    | Reply

    yay – congratulations Mary 🙂 I hadn’t heard of Quiltfolk (maybe because I’m in Australia) but I was very excited to see the first issues on sale when I went to investigate – double bonus !!

  101. Janie H
    | Reply

    Congratulations! What a great opportunity for you! I’ll be reading !

  102. […] didn’t know who I was. She sort of knew about Fons & Porter (and when I told her about Quiltfolk she was very excited) but she’s new to the whole thing and is just getting into longarming. […]

  103. Nicole Hannah
    | Reply

    Hot damn Mary! I’m so proud of you and happy for you. You’ll be amazing.

  104. […] have to wait a little bit; the good news is that she’s the best-yet issue of Quiltfolk and I’m honored to be a part of the team. It’s cool if you watch this teaser video like nine times while you wait for your copy of […]

  105. […] in Portland for Quiltfolk, which has fast become part of my heart. I’ve been here since Thursday because we’re in press for Issue 06: Arizona, which […]

  106. […] Fons is now the editor of […]

  107. Lucile Lapin
    | Reply

    I am one of those fans who love you dearly (met you in Madison, WI). I am from Iowa and followed your mom and Liz from their beginning ( yes I am very old) and my mother was a quilter. More importantly you make me wat to subscribe and buy a back copy. # 2 from Iowa of course.
    Love and best wishes
    Lucile Lapin

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