I have one more day of classes before my first year of graduate school comes to a close. Can you even believe it?? I hardly can.
Now is not the time for deep reflection, however. That will come later this week, but not yet. It ain’t over till it’s over, people, and it ain’t over until 6 p.m. tomorrow night, after one more presentation (with attendant critique, gah) and then my final advising session. The advising session will be a blast; the presentation, not so much, unless I get my précis done. Now.
But I needn’t go dark today on the ol’ PG; lucky for me, the newest Quilt Scout post is up! So I’ll direct you over to Quilts, Inc. today to read my little piece called “Quilts On Phones”. It’s about how much I enjoy it when people show me pictures of their quilts on their phones. You can click this link right here and you’ll be zipped right on over.
Hey, guess where I’ll be, starting tomorrow night?
Halfway to my master’s.
Andrea S.
I have some great quilt pictures on my phone. Not just mine, but great things that I come across in shows, or even patterns that occur to me when I see something around town. It’s a great little tool to keep those little memories that you might loose.
Jessie Stampfli
If I met you in person Mary, I would ask to take a selfie with you, then show you one of my two portrait pixel face quilts from IQF! My proudest achievements ; )
Jo Chalk
Congratulations, Mary! It has been an extremely busy year for you and you have handled it beautifully. Now, Quilt photos on phones…I got the quilting bug after a Quilts for Valor Marathon in October. I am about to start my sixth and all of them, so far all are on my phone. Quilting has enriched my retirement!
You go, Mary! I graduated with my Master’s last weekend. It was a lot of hard work and it has not quite sunk in yet that I do not have to work on presentations, write papers, prepare for exams, etc, etc. The good news is that I will have more time for quilting.
Jackie Goldfuss
Hi Mary,
Congrats on your halfway point to your Masters. Glad you will have more time I hope to relax(ha ha) and quilt. Had so much fun with you At Carolina Charm quilt retreat in Tabor City, NC. Hope you didn’t forget to give your Mom the jewelry compliment.
Enjoy your summer. Gizmo Jackie
Kathryn Darnell
Congratulations and enjoy your break. Job well done