I’ve been gone a few days on order from friends and my hemogoblins who told me to “take it easy, Fons.” Not posting for several days makes my eye twitch and my foot tap something terrible, so I’ll be back tomorrow even if I’m hunting and pecking at my keyboard.
Thanks to all for the well wishes. You’re pretty and you’re nice.
quiltmom anna
Feel better soon Mary- hope that the hemogoblin makes it so you can do the things you love to do. Warmest wishes , Anna
Hope you feel more irony soon
Melody A.
take care dear, your pretty and nice too!~ You’ll feel better. from Iowa
Rita Popovich
Take care of yourself that is very important. We well be waiting here for you when you are up to it. I no how bad it is my daughter has M S and gets infusion every 6 months which takes all day. Then she feels great till it is time for the next treatment. Hope you fell better soon.
Kelly Ashton
There is nothing more important than taking care of yourself!! I’m glad you listened to your hemoglobins (and your friends). Sending loads of love and well-wishes to you, Mary!
Iron infusions don’t work as quickly as a blood transfusion (liquid life:-)) but they do help get that oxygen flowing to where it is needed in a few days. A low hemoglobin is exhausting – hope you are feeling better soon.
Ah, Mary. I’m so sorry to hear that you have been ill. I’m a bit shocked that your physician never told you that the symptoms of obsessive ice chewjng or obcessive nail biting are signs of very low iron. We in science and medicine have known this for quite a while now. I’m so sorry you had to suffer. Take care, eat/ drink your dark leafy greens and rest. Big hugs!
I’m new to the site but have started watching the PBS show with my mom. I love the site and your sense of humour and wit. Feel better soon. You worry about you and we’ll be here when you feel better!
Jeanie Crutchfield
Colleen C. Yarnell
Sorry about your anemia. I had it badly 12 years ago the year before I was diagnosed with cancer. Its sucks. I had it so bad I couldnt get out of bed except to pee. take it easy. Eat a lot of spinach. Iron pills suck. It takes awhile to recover
Missed you but rest and get well soon. We will all be here when you are feeling better⛈☀️
Mary Kay
Feel better soon!!
Good care of yourself. We will be here when you feel better. I am still sad and
Furious that the insurance company seems to be in charge if your care and not the doctor with the medical degree! Sad society in which we live
I hope you’ll be feeling better soon Mary!
Dear Mary, You seem to do your best all the time. Now you need to do your best for yourself and get better. Love this blog.
Judy Forkner
I just had a memory of my mother getting “iron shots” at the doctor’s office when I was a little girl. I think she was a heavy bleeder during her menstrual cycles. Now I know that she was lucky that was all that seemed to be wrong with her. She’s 94 now & still going strong!
Robin Gabriel
Hope you and your hemoglobins are feeling better soon! We miss you but you should take care of you!
Kathryn DarnellAVV2
May your hemoglobin surge with millions of healthy red cells, restore your energy and may the Lord take you in His arms and say, ‘Just rest a while with me. I will worry about tomorrow ‘. You are in good hands. Go fishing we look forward to your good catch.