Something rather miraculous happened the week before last. Waiting to tell you about it was torture. But what happened was so delicious, so extraordinary, so wait-till-I-tell-you-what-happened-today, I had to do it just right. And because it had everything to do with a quilt, I felt the most appropriate place to share the story was over at the Quilt Scout.
If there weren’t pictures, you might not believe it happened. But it did happen. I saw a ghost — and she was so beautiful, I cried.
I’m going to email Barbara Brackman about this one. She is, by the way, my No. 1 Sewlebrity Obsession. I’ve talked to the famous quilt historian on the phone but have not yet had the pleasure of meeting her in public, but I will not rest until I do. I’ve got you in my sights, Bracks. In my sights!
Mary I am so happy you were able to experience seeing this quilt. And thank you for sharing with us. I’ve never seen this quilt and you have made this quilt very special to me. Through your eyes I see its beauty
Kathy Darnell
Definitely serendipity
Judy Forkner
How cool was that!
This sighting, story & quilt – so moving. Thank you.
Linda Woodard
Hi, Mary,
I was wondering if you can give me some direction. I have a Turkey Red and White signature quilt from the 1920’s. I had it appraised a few years ago for $10000. I would like to donate it to an institution which will keep it and display/use it for research.
My sister also has a blue/white signature quilt from the 1930’s that she would like to donate like myself.
If you can point me where to start to look for a home for these two quilts, I would appreciate it. Thanks,
I enjoy Paper Girl very much and look forward to reading it.
What an unexpected, wonderful thing to happen to you, Mary. Exactly the reason for one of my favorite words, ‘serendipity.’