As I was sewing this evening and thinking through the second chapter of the phony IRS phone call story, I realized that while some people commented on Facebook and in the comments below that they have also been targets for phone crimes and also sniffed out the predators, other folks — maybe a large number — were likely silent because they have actually been victimized by such a scam.
If that is you, I want to tell you that I am very, very sorry that happened to you. You are not alone and you are not a fool.
Well, maybe you are, and that’s your business. But if you got a call last year from the IRS — I keep typing “IRA” which is not the same — and you didn’t know that you were being lied to and therefore sent money, you were the victim of a crime and it doesn’t matter if you’re a fool or not: that stinks and I’m sorry. Folks will say oh, you should’ve double-checked the source, gotten a second opinion, etc., etc. and those people have never made any mistakes or been too innocent ever in life, ever, so you know, they can say that.
I’m kidding. I’m sorry you were robbed.
Having said that, just as it’s important for me to watch my purse on the train and not wear headphones when I’m walking in the city at night, it’s important for you/us to exercise caution when sending large sums of money to anyone: the real IRS, the fake IRS, televangelists (just no), politicians, ne’er-do-well cousins, etc. Got it?
Okay, back to the story.
I had the post-it with the scammer’s number on it. I decided to call and do it when Mom and Mark had left the house. Only Scrabble the dog would hear what I planned to say to the person on the other end of the line, which was smart; my intention was to say the foulest words ever uttered by a human being. And, like several people who shared their story, my strategy was to call and fake the person out for long enough to sucker him — it’s always a him — right back, even for a moment.
I used my computer/gmail phone line so they couldn’t trace the number.
“Hello, thank you for calling the IRS. What number are you calling from, please?”
As if the IRS would a) pick up and b) say thank you. And how could I tell that I was hearing not a busy phone center but a recording of a busy phone center playing in the background? Because it was obvious.
“Hi, oh, hi. Um…142,” I began, literally just saying random numbers while affecting a baffled, frightened, scared-lil-ol-me voice. “802-2152. I hope you can find me in the system, I’m really concerned about a call I got!”
Type, type on the other end. “I’m sorry, ma’am, I don’t find you in the system. Can you repeat that number, please?”
“923, 823-9172?” <– psst: different numbers.
There was a pause. “I’m sorry, ma’am I —”
Now, I think it’s obvious that I enjoy words, my friends. Old ones, new ones, common ones, rare ones. You don’t know that I like blue ones because I choose not to use them here. But I like blue words juuuust fine when they’re called for. How much I like them is evidenced by what I said to the thief that day on the phone. The words I selected from my brain were so foul, so bitter and raw, I impressed myself. And I can’t even hint at how bad the words were because they were so bad, as they spewed from my mouth I wondered if “blue lightning” was blue because it struck down people who said the bluest of words. Like me. It was in the combinations that the magic really happened.
And that’s the coda to the story, actually:
My mom takes what she calls “Old Lady” yoga several times a week at the yoga studio in town. After class on Tuesdays (?) the gals go have coffee at the coffee shop nearby. Mom asked me to meet her there after class. As soon as I slammed the phone down on the counter — cordless phones don’t slam down with the same satisfaction as rotary ones do in the movies but it was still pretty good — I realized it was time to go to the coffee shop to meet the ladies.
I came in all steamed up from my call. When the ten or so women turned to me, smiling, happy to see me there in Winterset, they asked how I was and I was too flustered to say anything but, “Well, I just called back a phone scammer!”
They leaned in and cupped their hands around their mochas, pressing me to tell what happened.
“No, no, no,” I said, and I meant it. “I can’t say what I said. I mean, it’s bad. It’s so bad, I’m still ashamed of myself.”
They all — and I mean all ten or twelve of them — shook their heads and shrugged. One of these amazing, sweet, mild-mannered (?) ladies said, “Honey, I raised three boys. You can’t shock me.”
Another said, “Oh, I’ve heard it all. All of it. Come, on! What’dya say??”
They were all staring at me. I got another minute of confirmation and told them, in one breath, what I had told that person to do, where I told him to go, how, and when, and how happy I’d be when he got there. Basically.
The women all nodded. “Good for you,” one said. Another said, “Oh, I’ve heard worse.”
I took tips for next time.
Jjudy Hart
Ha Ha Ha, give’m heck Mary.
Mary, the activist librarian in me wants everyone to know you can report it if you got scammed: https://www.treasury.gov/tigta/contact_report_scam.shtml
The Indian police busted one of those bogus call centers recently so there could be a little hope of restitution eventually.
Thank you we have gotten several calls and we are old people who know the power of IRS it is scary to got that call we have had 2 robot voice ones one angery man and 2 woman my husband was really worried I got one call on my cell phone while sewing at my local quilt shop I had it on speaker and all the ladies could hear the call and they all said it’s a fake call when they heard her say IRS …very smart sewing buddies. Even though we have had news warnings about fake calls there is nothing as comforting as the room full of sewing ladies say it’s fake hang up
You’re new mission in life, Super Mary Woman. Go with chin up.
Susan Skuda
Hail, Mary. Touché!
DrJulieAnn - The ModernRetroWoman
I love it!!
And your story makes me miss my mother-in-law. Like your mother, she, too, has participated in “old lady exercise class” for the past 20 years or so three times a week. And then they all went to breakfast afterward. They had “their big table” and “their server” who didn’t even bother asking anyone what they wanted. She just would bring their food to them. Because she just knew what they were going to order. Whenever The Mister and I were in town for a visit, the ladies would expect me to have breakfast with them at least two or three times during the visit. They all thought it was a hoot that my avocation is studying the gracious mid-century lifestyle. For them, it wasn’t a “lifestyle.” It was just raising children, keeping a home, and being active in the community.
Sadly, all but two of them have passed away. My MIL still goes diligently but she has dementia and her last remaining friend is her lifeline to the person she once was. The friend and I don’t always agree on the care my MIL receives, but I am grateful for their everlasting friendship.
Deb KimballS H5
I really commend you on your action, Mary. Good job. But to all of your readers, I am a member of the “old lady” group. I’ve had calls like this. The most important thing anyone can do is NOT TO BE AFRAID. They are scammers, and they can only take power if you are afraid. Laugh, hang up, blow a whistle, or if you are brave like Mary, brush up on your “blue” words. I’ve used all methods, and think it’s most satisfying when using not family friendly language. Keep on truckin’.
Mary, you make me laugh out loud!!! I love the way you have with words. It’s as if you have magical powers with the words! Because I’ve enjoyed watching you on TV with your Mother, I can now hear you speaking as I’m reading your story. You have such clarity and get right to the point!! I just love your writing style. THANK YOU for making me laugh!!! And thanks for telling the “IRS” what they can do!!!
The IRS needs to be proactive. Everyone should be given two SSN, one for real, and one to give scammers. Then when the scammer SSN is given, the feds can locate and prosecute the criminals. Or something. Why is it the little guy that has to make the effort to track down the criminals, and with almost no tools. What’s wrong with this picture?
You go, Mary. Give them H-E-double-hockeysticks.
This is AWESOME! (I’m a recent subscriber, so just catching up.) I appreciate your compassionate stance for those who have been duped and your fire in dealing with the dupers. Bastards! (Is that allowed?). 🙂
Fight, Fight, Fight - Mary Fons
[…] say that I “fight dirty.” But I can get downright ferocious. I yell. Loudly. I also say bad words. That’s crazy to me, that I yell and curse like a sailor, but I do. In a fight, I’ll […]