Jefferson City was phenomenal.
Thank you to all my new friends. What fun it was to be with you, to dig quilts with you; what fun it was for me to wear Cookie Monster onesie pajamas while serving as your keynote speaker. I fear the Facebook photos of last night’s event, as a Cookie Monster onesie from Target is not what you might consider flattering, exactly, and that thing is gonna be all over Missouri quilter Facebook pages, I suspect — but I’ve only got myself to blame. And heck, I’d do it again. There was a velcro cookie in the pocket!
I’m home in Chicago in my favorite chair. I’ve got a pile of work in front of me and an early morning. Therefore, I direct you to a post from this spring in which my dear friend Claus — I miss you terribly tonight, dear Claus, terribly, terribly, horribly — brushed my hair. Small gestures like that, they can take us into outer space.
This is the post called “Strands.”
Mary this has nothing to do with your post, but I was thinking of you this weekend. I was reading an older Craft magazine and came across an article on quilts made by Commaworksop.com. This quilt artist, also a writer, quilts words and sayings into her quilts. You are probably already familiar wit hher, but just in case you are not, checkout her website. You may want to use her work as an example for one of your classes. This magazine was purchased prior to my quilting hobby so I didn’t really pay attention at the time. Now it is so meaningful to me. Have a great week Mary.
Hi Mary, I’ve always wanted to tell you that I don’t understand Claus. I was really hoping he would bring you over to Europe (not selfisch at all, I know). No seriously, I think some German men are so undecided and full of hesitation anf rather prefer spending their lives grieving for their unfulfilled love (in a typical German? manner full of melancholy and the romantic feeling of a tragic loss). So who knoes, maybe they are no loss at all?
Hugs, Andrea
Ah… You hit on one sad thing, Ms. Andrea. Very perceptive. Mostly, though, I’m sad because of locker rooms.