The Pendennis Observer: Dispatch!

posted in: Pendennis 1

Remember: Pendennis is never posed, ever. These are candid shots of my monkey found as he was — and ever is. Check the “Pendennis Observer” category here in the archives for more.

That's my bed. That's my journal. And that for damn sure is my monkey.
That’s my bed. That’s my journal. And that for damn sure is my monkey.
The New York apartment. East Village. Not a great couch.
The New York apartment. East Village. Not a great couch.
It's either insomnia, afterglow, or dread. I love Pendennis precisely because we can never know.
It’s either insomnia, afterglow, or dread. I love Pendennis precisely because we can never know.





  1. Karen
    | Reply

    I’m so glad that you are being kind to yourself and taking a little break from your wonderful blog! I can never tell if Pendennis is a contortionist, a yogi, or just a very laid back monkey. In any case, I hope you are looking and feeling as relaxed and well as he seems to be.

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