For The Heritage Quilters of Lockport, IL.

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Dear Friends:

Yesterday was delightful. Our sunlit space was a workshop slam dunk. You students were friendly and talented. Lunch was excellent, dinner was excellenter, and though my voice left me, the language of quilts carried the day.

As promised, a few images from the lecture. Many thanks again for a lovely day with every last one of you. Quilters are the best sort of people.

Mary “Whispering Mouse” Fons

My mother, in 1980, with a newly born me. She won a blue ribbon. She's wearing a hand-sewn patchwork apron. How is that I am wrapped in a non-quilted blanket?! Sacrilege!
My mother in 1980 with a newly born me. She won a blue ribbon for that quilt, there and she’s wearing a hand-sewn patchwork apron. How is that I am wrapped in a non-quilted blanket?! Seriously! Mom! Come on!
Look again at the first picture. See that button I have pinned on my lame blanket? Here's a closeup shot. I didn't have a chance. I was doomed. Doomed!
Look again at the first picture. See that button I have pinned on my lame blanket? Here’s a closeup shot. I didn’t have a chance. I was doomed. Doomed!
On the set of Quilty. It's a very good show. Watch it at
On the set of Quilty. It’s a very good show. Watch it at
The first issue ever of Quilty magazine. You can't get it now! It's sold out! Is that good??
The first issue ever of Quilty magazine. You can’t get it now! It’s sold out! Is that good??
Me and Mom, at the tip table on LoQ. Don't we look sweet?
Me and Mom, at the tip table on LoQ. Don’t we look sweet?

p.s. Don’t forget: compassion for the beginner quilter always!


5 Responses

  1. Christa Quilts
    | Reply

    I love these pics! Especially the one of your mom holding you – it’s too precious. You know – she had a great taste in color and style even back then. She knew to wrap you up in soft pink blankie that wouldn’t clash with the quilt or apron, LOL!!

  2. Ronda Dranter
    | Reply

    Mary, loved your presentation given on Tuesday at the Heritage Quilters Guild. What a trooper you were to not cancel your talk when you were loosing your voice. I enjoyed your quilts too and look forward to your new book coming out; when will that be again, lol. Also, I will be on the lookout for your magazine “Quilty.” I hope you are feeling better and enjoying your time with your mom.


    President of Heritage Quilters Guild

    • Mary Fons
      | Reply

      Oh, Ronda!

      Thank you so much for this and for welcoming me to the Heritage famiglia. It’s funny, when you said I was a trooper not to cancel, I thought, “Wow! Do people cancel??” because it simply didn’t occur to me. The show must go on, right? 🙂

      I hope to see you all soon, either here on PaperGirl, at a quilt show, or in Lockport, again. Maybe with me AND Mom together…??


  3. Jody Edwards
    | Reply

    I grew up in Lockport, Illinois!

  4. Jeanne Turnock
    | Reply

    Would love to have a Mom and Me with your Mother at guild! Fun workshop …

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